slay the spire crippling cloud. Having Corruption (rare power) and the Dead Branch (rare relic) is probably one of the more famous Ironclad broken builds out there. slay the spire crippling cloud

Having Corruption (rare power) and the Dead Branch (rare relic) is probably one of the more famous Ironclad broken builds out thereslay the spire crippling cloud  Coupled with the fact there's a lot of good turn one relics, such as Lantern

Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. video_call ADD A VIDEO. Not necessarily related to Heart, but I feel like Bane and Dagger Spray are two of Silent's best sources of. As an Uncommon card, it appears as a reward for combat, although less often than Commons. fandom. Bouncing Flask also tackles the AoE problems decks generally find in act 2 which makes it great for taking on elites. Silent will always want corpse explosion. At the beginning of a Poisoned enemy's turn, they lose HP equal to the # of Poison stacks they have. Crippling Cloud Reply handledvirus43. Practically a necessity for pure poison decks to beat. At the start of each combat, apply 4 Poison to ALL enemies. Wraith form isnt great early into the boss fights, but can help out immensely once you're approaching critical turns and ready to start ending the fight (Champ Execute, Automaton Hyper Beam, Awakened One second form first attack). I feel like you guys deserve a real explanation after more than half a month's absence, so here goes. Daily Discussion/Debate #34: Ghostly Armor. Previous Discussion: Crippling Cloud. Total achievements: 46. 1 Energy | At the start of your turn,. I know, comparing with different class cards is not the best approach, but compared. Flying Knee (Silent - Attack) Cost: 1 Energy. 9. I know, comparing with different class cards is not the best approach, but compared to Shockwave (especially Shockwave+), Crippling Cloud looks rather weak. The most common of these are Well Laid Plans and Runic Pyramid, although things like Setup and Thinking Ahead can also do the job. Most have exclusive and powerful effects that you can’t replace, while you have many opportunities to remove cards in a run. I had to set up my new phone from the cloud because my old one was demolished. You usually don't need a ton of offensive cards, and some cards like Crippling Cloud, Cloak and Dagger, and Dash can be offensive and defensive at the same time. Total achievements: 46. If used effectively, it can discard Curses or Statuses to avoid any negative effects they have. cloud_upload UPLOAD A MOD. Definitely a late game pickup in this scenario. The Ironclad Slay the Spire – The IroncladDedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Bag of Marbles Common Relic . 38. squigsquig • Additional comment actions. Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. Edit: another thing to consider is that having this huge burst of front-loaded damage early in Act 1 can then allow you to take your scaling cards like Crippling Cloud and the discard synergy cards earlier than you might otherwise be able to, rather than having to grab damage commons like poisoned stab. Bouncing Flask applies damage to enemies, killing them faster so they deal less damage. It can block upwards of a hundred damage for only three energy, in situations where you'd otherwise lose. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. • 4 yr. Defensively is say piercing wail is probably the most energy efficient card at your disposal - it can block for enormous amounts, particularly against multiple enemies - so a take a fight like the tri-slavers - a great turn one would be piercing wail crippling cloud, and that only costs three energy. Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (497/696): Riddle With Holes upvotes. Want to discover art related to slaythespire? Check out amazing slaythespire artwork on DeviantArt. Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (351/696): Lesson Learned. Of course you can luck out and get Corpse Explosion, Crippling Cloud or Malaise but there are just way too many underwhelming possibilities. Slay the Spire. Chozothebozo • Additional comment actions. Crippling Cloud, which applies four (seven upgraded) poison and two weak to all enemies before exhausting. When you have a daily with Hoarder, these can be just disgusting. Not necessarily related to Heart, but I feel like Bane and Dagger Spray are two of Silent's best sources of. Second dex. The remains, of a ghostly creature, sink slowly into the mud before you, barely visible in the moonlight. This relic can be triggered on an X card, so long as it consumes 2 or. 1 Energy | Next turn gain 2 (3) Energy. Exhaust. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The Silent is the 2nd Slay the Spire character and one that has piqued my interest for a while. Daily Discussion/Debate #25: Bouncing Flask. But I'd agree that this is the easiest Act 1 Elite floor every character. Exhaust. At the end of Act 1 Astrolabe is usually better. © Valve Corporation. - Having Twisted Funnel with 1 or more copies of either: Deadly Poison, Deadly Poison+, Poisoned Stab+, Crippling Cloud+. Crippling Cloud, Corpse Explosion), a means of defense (Dodge and Roll, Leg Sweep, Escape Plan) and a means of scaling (Catalyst, Snecko Skull). Draw 1 card. Key cards: Envenom, Corpse Explosion, Noxious Fumes, Bouncing Flask, Catalyst. Step one on how to use grand finale:. Top 1% Rank by size. Daily Slay the Spire Discussion. A large part of that endgame comes from the many relics available to players. It just gives you great value for 2 energy with no downside. silent A20 guide helps! Hey guys, im at about a 70-80 hours into the game and am really struggling with silent A20 runs. When the enemy dies, deal damage equal to its max HP to ALL enemies. Their cards allow them to avoid combat altogether or dispatch enemies quickly and without fuss. Bouncing Flask , which applies three poison to a random enemy three (four upgraded) times. Crippling Cloud is really good for a lot of fights, Sucker Punch is a good Act 1 take, there are. Weakness is great and gets better with ascension levels as enemies do more and more damage. Freighnos • 4 yr. For Ironclad, I think the most consistent is a bunker build. Red Mask Event Relic . It is probably the best card manipulation in the game and make sentries much easier and safer. The upgrade is also great giving you 7 instead of 3 poison is a lot of extra damage. Often cycling orbs is part of Defect's strategy so there are many situation where Doom and Gloom will also evoke an additional orb for more damage, block or energy. Data accurate as of January 5. I have to travel halfway across the state every goddamned day. In most fights I think crippling cloud is way more impactful since it immediately strips 2 artifact or weakens in addition to more up front poison while noxious fumes is really slow to do much of anything in combats that only last 4ish turns. Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (88/696): Byrds. This relic falls into the “No Downside, Weaker Effect” side of the boss relic spectrum. It's not about a frost deck, it's about scaling damage mitigation at 2 energy, that does something right when you play it. I'm usually willing to take 1 in most decks, a free 14 damage can be really good, especially in fights with multiple enemies. Bouncing Flask , which applies three poison to a random enemy three (four upgraded) times. Crippling Cloud, Shockwave, etc. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. I remember dropping an artifact + speed potion with sacred bark on the heart. It’s just a far weaker version of crippling cloud. woodsington • 3 yr. Silent, lots of weakness cards available. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. All Discussions. Next turn, add 3 copies of that card into your hand. AFAIK the only AOE silent has are crippling cloud, die die die, all out attack, dagger spray, and thousand cuts. Good change!Game description-----Slay the Spire is a fun rogue-like /. >play crippling cloud turn 1 >heart not weak on turn 3 >play cc turn 1 with mask >heart weak on turn 3 I crapped on ori because you wanna be blocking when it matters anyway, but when you're already doing so and you STILL reduce incoming damage by like 15~20, that's significant. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . If, for example, the enemy is attacking. So after playing 2 Wraith Forms you will lose 2 Dexterity at the end of each turn. Bouncing. 2 Energy | Apply 6(9) Poison. Ironclad is inundated with high cost cards, and Defect has tons of value, and more importantly, card draw. Learn more. When you have a daily with Hoarder, these can be just disgusting. For upfront single target damage, Dagger Throw is reasonably efficient. - Bouncing Flask+ / Bouncing Flask & Twisted Funnel / Bouncing Flask & Snecko Skull. Bouncing Flask , which applies three poison to a. Crippling poison is good aoe and weaks which is very strong. DMondelo. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Daily Discussion/Debate #107: Strange Spoon. 50 attacks with Envenom would be +50 immediate damage +147 damage 2 turns later and +1,275 damage 47 turns after that. Survivor is the only card in your starter deck that can Discard cards during your turn. Ectoplasm vs Sozu vs calling bell. Feed on floor can solve the end of the game problems for you because you don't need to block much when you have 150+hp. 15 block is quite a lot if you don't have block scaling. I would think you play those cards vs. The Silent begins each game with 1 copy of Survivor in the deck. Upgrading Corpse Explosion increases the Poison from 6 (21 total damage) to 9 (45 total damage). Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. I think I only picked it 1 or 2 times ever. ReplyTo me, it seems a little bit underwhelming for 2 energy. Some legacy cards with new beta effects might not be shown correctly. Ironclad doesn't have much of it so it's nice to work into your deck. Wraith Form is a Power card for The Silent. Not sure how good it is yet, but it's definitely way more pickable than it was. A player finds an early Kunai, thinks "I'll only pick up cards that give me multiple attacks", ignores good stand-alone cards like Crippling Cloud and Dodge and Roll, and dies as a result of low card quality. There is no fight in the game that requires you to keep scaling anything indefinitely. Members Online. Note that the Dexterity loss stacks. These cards. Even if you evoke all 3 orbs right away, you still get 24 aoe damage, compare to. Then you have weakness most turns and heel hook is a 5 damage when silent struggles early. I love this card. SilverSodarayg Eternal One + Ascended • 4 yr. Daily Discussion/Debate #10: Dodge and Roll. attack Dagger Throw 1 B- Deal 9 damage. Shovel. Note that the Dexterity loss stacks. However, keeping the enemies weak every turn isn't really a goal. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Still, it's a cheap and huge source of immediate damage, which generally saves you a lot of headache in Act 1. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. I rarely run Exhuast decks so I've never found a great use for this card. Everyone create your idea for a super Gimmicky card that will either be OP or complete trash upvotes. For some decks you just die, but electrodynamics/crippling cloud just obliterates them because they don't get damage reduced. not seeing how she can be good. More like this. Please reply to me if I got something wrong so he can fix it. Choose a card. Weak is just another form of midigation, which is necessary. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Piercing Wail (PW) drops his strength by a net 4, so Vulnerable deals 2 less damage as well. Mark all as read (0) error_outline. Members Online Crippling Cloud is one of them. Good change!Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. This boss relic is really hard to evaluate. In spire, a lot really. One of the problems with this card is that you cant really play anything after it since it consumes your hand. Character:Any. Beam Cell and Reprogram are both great cards that dramatically improve success in Defect's runs lacking such great fortune. This build is slightly harder to pull off if you are. 180K Members. Bouncing Flask is less effective when there are multiple enemies, both because each enemy gets less Poison and because the Poison is applied randomly. Now she's probably second only to watcher. You don't really want it in your deck, but if you don't take it you die to Gremlin Nob. I played Magic the Gathering before playing Slay the Spire, and when I saw that scry was a mechanic I fell in love. Vulnerability is huge on Ironclad because most of their damage comes from direct attacks and they have a couple relics related to it. On almost every other fight, [[Twisted Funnel]] for 5 with ([[ Crippling Cloud+ ]] for 8 or [[ Bouncing Flask+ ]] for 16) seemed to be pretty reasonable front load. Call me with up to 10 [[ name ]], where name is a card, relic, event, or potion. Bouncing Flask, Crippling Cloud, Catalyst Reply jkafka •. Corpse Explosion Silent Rare Skill. Applying Weak can sometimes block for 10 or more, which is a big deal. Once upgraded the fact that it plays four cards helps with things like thousand cuts, panache and after image and it triggers kunai/shuriken by itself. Currently available on. Everyone create your idea for a super Gimmicky card that will either be OP or complete trash upvotes. It is quite common that a deck has strong cards that are almost always played and weak cards that you want to almost never play. Even if Artifacts are still a problem Crippling Cloud can take care of the Shapes' or Shield/Spear artifacts effectively. Excuse me, adrenaline is one or even two free energy plus a bunch of card draw, noxious fumes stacks incredibly to every single enemy, and footwork makes every block so much better, I don't think an ok amount of weakness and block, a decent attack and block card, or a free weakness card can hold a candle to these extremely beneficial cards that have a. . Cards in this pile are effectively removed from combat and cannot be used again. This trifecta absolutely wrecks everything. Piercing wail is criminally good for 1 energy in this fight too, -8 strength for it's multi attack means you'll take no damage (unless it's a buffed super). Nightmare Silent Rare Skill 3(2) Energy | Choose a card. To me, it seems a little bit underwhelming for 2 energy. That's not to say Spirelogs is the definitive solution to all card analysis. Silent has a lot of great sources of weak (Leg Sweep, Malaise, Crippling Cloud) and some less great ones (Sucker Punch). Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. This is a guide for winning more often in Slay the Spire (while trying to beat the Heart). Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. Members Online. Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. The third category is Defect. Good change!Not sure how good it is yet, but it's definitely way more pickable than it was. Channel 1 Frost. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Nowadays I’d say Empty Cage is in the bottom half, maybe third of Boss Relics, even though it has no drawback just because of how replaceable it is. Pukupokupo. Artifact blocks Catalyst's Poison. . Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. . Sleeping on them is a sign of missing Defect's second great strength. It's not as good as Crippling Cloud but I'm usually pretty happy to have one of these in my Silent decks. Today I decided to play. All rights reserved. When it is good, it's because you're pairing it with good skills, like crippling cloud or catalyst or even high dex defends. ago. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. ago. ago. It’s very likely you get 12 damage for 0 energy. unupgraded envenom, wraith form, nightmare becomes god tier, crippling cloud, bouncing flask, bullet time, riddle with holes, eviscerate, corpse explosion, and most the 0. Lagavulin and Gremlin Nob each take at LEAST 2 turns to set up and and sentries only do 9 damage turn 1. Storm of Steel: Discard your hand, add 1 Shiv per card discarded. It's just way too good in whatever deck you're playing at any time, because AOE weak is superb defense, and it strips artifacts efficiently. Initially released. I think it should give a -2 or -3 Dex up front instead of losing one a turn forever. The downside being u have to play only 3 cards can actually be not that big of a downside if u have high cost defensive cards like crippling cloud or leg sweep. As for most underrated, I'll again cheat by mentioning a few bc just so many relics to choose from, so I'm thinking pbox, ectoplasm, astrolabe, runic dome, orrery, empty cage, and toolbox. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Obviously I pick up malaise/leg sweep if they're offered, but i almost always skip sucker punch. Silent is also the second best card spammer (of course, loses to watcher), so the 2 damage per card really adds up. Not sure how good it is yet, but it's definitely way more pickable than it was. r/slaythespire. Predator, piercing wail, poisoned stab, noxious fumes, crippling cloud, footwork, dagger spray, well laid plans, dagger throw, dash, bouncing flask, quick slash, skewer, flying. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Conclude might be a bit closer but Conclude's condition makes it overall inferior to Doom and Gloom. Bouncing Flask , which applies three poison to a random enemy three (four upgraded) times. Not sure how good it is yet, but it's definitely way more pickable than it was. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games…It's a good boss relic for the game where it often feels like energy relic or total garbage. The most prominent cards in the group B are. Idk, I run into my limits quite often with choker even on clad. Noxious fumes is usually too slow to count as real AOE, in my book. However, the synergies are far worse than other damage common side effects - it's pretty rare to build a deck around discard, especially at high ascension. Channel 1 Lightning. Whenever you apply Poison, apply an additional 1 Poison. Why should a harder spire change your evaluation of sozu vs another boss relic? It doesnt make sense. Corpse Explosion and Crippling Cloud can be underwhelming against The Heart due to being AOE-focused skills, but they alone can. WLP is a card I would pick up on floor 1, because while it isn' t great in act 1, it's such as important card to have access to for the remainder of the run. Between crippling cloud, noxious fumes, Bouncing Flask, Catalyst, Envenom, Corpse Explosion, there are just so many better poison options out there and deadly poison is the weakest. Wraith Form can be amazing in a Blur or Calipers run. Dash (Silent - Attack) 2. Sidnv • 6 mo. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Helps get core surge and biased cognition going together. Deadly Poison, Poisoned Stab, Bouncing Flask, Catalyst, Crippling Cloud, Noxious Fumes, Corpse Explosion, and Envenom. It is a high variance relic which seems to have a bias towards rare transforms. Crippling Cloud, which applies four (seven upgraded) poison and two weak to all enemies before exhausting. Lets dark orbs set up for an extra turn to dual/multi cast. I think I only picked it 1 or 2 times ever. Draw 1 card. That being said, I don’t think that the Silent is one of the best characters in Slay the Spire, and usually opt for another class to play as. Cards you'd usually pick like Immolate, Whirlwind, Piercing Wail, Crippling Cloud, Corpse Explosion, Electrodynamics, Chill etc. The continuous Dexterity loss is a debuff, and can therefore be prevented if you have Artifact in place before using Wraith Form, or halted by using Orange Pellets afterwards. After over 100 hours on my phone, multiple on switch, and dozens of hours watching slay the spire content online, I'm finally ready to own. And honestly, even 12 damage for 1 energy isn’t bad early game. The upsides FAR outweighs the downside of the few times you can't effectively utilize it turn 1, especially since Artifact persists between turns. Channel 1 Lightning. Speed Potion: Gain 5 Dexterity. Before that, you have cards such as Crippling Cloud, Footwork, etc. I know, comparing with different class cards is not the best approach, but compared to Shockwave (especially Shockwave+), Crippling Cloud looks rather weak. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. Slay the Spire. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. There are tons of skills and powers worth having in your starting hand, an early shockwave or crippling cloud can easily decide runs by themselves and most of the important powers are great to have. Wraith Form Silent Rare Power. The Silent, Prismatic Shards, 3 crippling cloud+, omniscience, and barricade with a bunch of block, also caltrops and well laid plains. Premium block card for the defect. Sometimes (quite often for me) I have a collection of strong cards going into act 3 but not insane scaling. It's not as good as Cloak and Dagger but C&D needs an upgrade, this one doesn't. Bouncing Flask , which applies three poison to a random enemy three (four upgraded) times. PapaPancake8 Ascension 20 • 4 yr. With enough armor, you can basically use anything as a win condition. personally, a jax is basically a must take; no matter the deck, I always reason that the 3 HP I lose is worth the 2 strength (maybe that 2 strength over 3 rounds is just enough damage to kill that elite that's about to hit for 20 something). Mysteriously clean and smooth, dirt and grime fall off inexplicably. By far one of the best (Deal damage and effect) type cards in the game. Regular Price. g. % of all. I advise carrying this card as a surefire way to ride foes of artifact and save ourselves from a killing attack. Type: Relic. Often cycling orbs is part of Defect's strategy so there are many situation where Doom and Gloom will also evoke an additional orb for more damage, block or energy. This damage will go through an enemy's Block. skill Doppelganger X D+ Next turn, draw X cards and gain X Energy. Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (449/696): Philosopher's Stone. Ghostly Armor (Ironclad - Skill) Ethereal (Card exhausts at the end of your turn if not played). Deal 8 (12) damage. Crippling Poison+ needs to be a 3 Weak/3 Poison AoE like Shockwave+. I wish this relic was more common. Crippling Cloud (2 Energy) 4 poison every enemy and 2 weak – While the poison gain on this card is relatively weak, the Weak debuff can come in handy when facing off against a. 1 day ago · Slay the Spire is a captivating roguelike deck-building video game crafted by the American indie studio Mega Crit and published by Humble Bundle. Helps get core surge and biased cognition going together. You can play them for 0 energy to proc the relic. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Since Slay the spire is a deck builder. It has a burning blood relic and strong defense too. For defense, every Footwork, After Image, Blur, Backflip, and Dash. Piercing wail becomes the best block and damage combo card in the game. Crippling Cloud (2 Energy) 4 poison every enemy and 2 weak – While the poison gain on this card is relatively weak, the Weak debuff can come in handy when facing off against a horde of attacking enemies. Effect: Put a card from your Exhaust pile into your hand. Next Discussion: Ink Bottle. i believe so, Dark Shackles gives -9 strength as a debuff and +9 strength at end of turn as a seperate effect which is not a debuff so it doesn't get cleared. Effect+: This turn, your next 2 Attacks are played twice. It's upgrade isn't that good but any card that lets you deal damage and gain block at the same time is generally a great get. Never bad to have. Strenght builds with Analyze or Demon Form and Heavy Blade are decently consistent offensive builds. Members Online. Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. 1. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Title: Ectoplasm. This will vary not just with what cards you have but also with what stage of the game you're on. 169K subscribers in the slaythespire community. Wiki Link: Is it a good card? A bad card? Would you only pick it up in a specific type of deck? Should the developers make some. 2. no finisher, searing blow, ritual dagger, windmill strike) 4. 15 block is quite a lot if you don't have block scaling. Crippling Cloud is a Skill for The Silent that applies 4 Poison to all enemies, and then applies 2. Poison build is good imo for less important cards and setup (still needs lots of frond load damage for act1 elite). End game it is often as useful as a Strike+. Bouncing Flask is a block card. If you would like to know some more tier lists, we have covered some amazing games that you might want to check out. There’s also Crippling Poison, which more or less did what Crippling Cloud does now but with more weak and no AoE or exhaust. Power Potion: Add 1 of 3 random Power cards to your hand, it costs 0 this turn. All Discussions. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire…Silent is the Slay the Spire character that I almost always end up having a debuff-heavy deck, either with Poison or Weak cards. Slay the Spire Indie game Roguelike Gaming Role-playing video game . Slay-by-Comment Season 4 Day 91: Happy Stallidays! Let us drink heavily and hang ornaments. The only rare relic that's this act dependent is [ [pocketwatch]], but vice versa and it's much less build. Everyone create your idea for a super Gimmicky card that will either be OP or complete trash upvotes. Exhaust. Do you lean into poison, with some of the active poison cards like Deadly Poison or Crippling Cloud, with Bane as a nice little extra front loaded. Won't spoil the specifics but my start was Silent, A18 => swap relic for boss relic into Pandora's Box => Grand Finale, Backflip, Deflect, Expertise, Doppelganger, Alchemize, Crippling Cloud, Sucker Punch. com by Crosssmurf Daily Slay the Spire Discussion (141/696): Crippling Cloud Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. 1. This can cause unexpected interactions. Good AoE, good for single targets. Astrolabe vs. Skill Potion: Add 1 of 3 random Skill cards to your hand, it costs 0 this turn. Every Card, Character, Relic, Curse, Event, Enemy and Potion in Alphabetical Order. Bouncing Flask is less effective when there are multiple enemies, both because each enemy gets less Poison and because the Poison is applied randomly. There are very few cards like that, actually - cards that continue to be useful throughout all stages of the game and tend to fit into pretty much any deck. I will almost always take this card Act 1. Crippling cloud+ with sadistic nature+ applies 7 poison and deals 14 AOE damage since both poison and weak de buffs are applied. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Report Save. All 3 books are potential game winners, and I think Nilry's Codex is the most underrated of the 3 because of how annoying it is to use. Yes. Your high damage burst mainly comes from Catalyst, and after setup. Title: Crippling Cloud Type: Skill Rarity: Uncommon Character: Silent Cost: 2 Energy Effect: Apply 4 Poison and 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Dedicated to all discussion on the roguelike deckbuilding game Slay the Spire by Mega Crit Games. Slay the Spire. Wiki link. Exhaust Cost+: 2 Energy Wiki Link: Is it a good card? A bad card? Would you only pick it up in a specific type of deck? Should the developers make some changes to this card? Comment below! Previous Discussion: Crippling Cloud Conclusion: Quite strong post-buff, 2 turn Weak to all enemies is very strong. can't seem to get by the second boss, and i don't see how you can possibly balance healing her and upgrading cards since she has no build in heal. Bouncing Flask, Leg Sweep, Blur, Catalyst, Adrenaline, Crippling cloud are some of the stronger ones. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Poison is a negative status effect (Debuff) that the Silent can apply to enemies. Roll andDie Die Die. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Hand of greed is the all-around best neow colorless rare you can get, but apotheosis is close. Coupled with the fact there's a lot of good turn one relics, such as Lantern. Not sure how good it is yet, but it's definitely way more pickable than it was. Having a few Noxious Fumes, Catalyst, and Crippling Cloud cards in combination with the Snecko Skull or The Specimen can lead to a very fun run. Silents, and Defects slay the spire just to see themselves without a stable financial base to grow on and end up living with Neow all their lives. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Another powerful build that synergizes with Wraith Form is the “Poison” build, which utilizes cards like Noxious Fumes, Crippling Cloud, and Corpse Explosion to. Don't take too much Deadly Poison tho. Poison: Poison archetype is strong into hallways and elites. 3. Each bounce counts as a separate application of Poison. Nilry's Codex - Event - Relic. This damage will go through an enemy's Block. Currently available on Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Android and iOS. Members Online. attack Die Die Die 1 A- Deal 13 damage to ALL enemies. So the problem is you often want to build poison in a different way if you can like through Fumes or Crippling Cloud or Bouncing Flask since taking deadly poisons is gonna demand a bunch of upgrades for a not that big payoff. Slay the Spire Indie game Roguelike Gaming Role-playing video game. In one move players can obtain five block and draw two new cards for the cost of one energy. ago. How is that dude even fair, how does one even beat him with the poison ladyCrippling Cloud - A card I always prioritize upgrading, at 7 poison it stacks a decent base amount of poison while also applying 2 stacks of weakness, both of these fit right into the gameplan of killing the heart. The only time you really don't want is when you can't play it late in the game, i. I think, the normal version could have 1 poison more (5 poison, 2 weak) while the upgraded one. Blur and Noxious Fumes let you stack armor to the. Neutralize you ideally don't want to upgrade because you want to get your Weakness chain from Leg Sweep with help from Malaise (and sometimes Crippling Cloud / Sucker Punch). Many Poison cards apply poison multiple times, so this works very well with stuff like.